
Friday, January 24, 2020

Answer Section 2 Quiz 2 - L8-L14 (Java Fundamentals 2019 Learner - Indonesian)

Section 2 Quiz 2

1. Jika nilai telah ditetapkan ke (disimpan dalam) variabel, nilai tersebut akan ditimpa saat nilai lain ditetapkan ke variabel menggunakan operator "=" penugasan. TRUE atau FALSE?

TRUE (*)

2. Di Java, simbol mana yang digunakan untuk menetapkan satu nilai ke nilai lainnya?

= (*)

3. Penginisialisasi variabel dengan tipe nilai TextString dapat menjadi (pilih semua yang berlaku):  
(Choose all correct answers)

"Salam" (*)

"Halo" (*)

"4" (*)

4. Manakah dari instruksi pemrograman berikut memerintahkan ikan untuk terus bergerak maju dengan kecepatan acak antara 0,5 dan 1,0 meter, minus 0,25 meter, sampai bertabrakan dengan hiu?

DecimalNumber [fishSpeed] <- nextRandomRealNumberlnRange [0.5] , [1.0]

while NOT {this.blueTang} isCollidingWith {this.shark} is true

loop {this.blueTang} move FORWARD . [fishSpeed]- [0.25] add detail  (*)

5. Dari pelajaran Alice Anda, "Daftar Periksa untuk Penyelesaian Animasi" tidak mengajukan pertanyaan tentang skenario dan storyboard, karena bukan bagian yang valid dari proses pembuatan animasi. TRUE atau FALSE?


6. Apa yang dapat digunakan sebagai panduan untuk memastikan animasi Alice Anda memenuhi prinsip-prinsip animasi?

Daftar periksa animasi (*)

7. Di kelas Alice mana terdapat prosedur addDefaultModelManipulation?

Kelas adegan (*)

8. Alice menggunakan operator matematika bawaan. Yaitu:

Semua yang di atas (*)

9. Alice menggunakan operator matematika bawaan; mereka:

Semua yang di atas (*)

10. Kondisi dalam WHILE loop merupakan ekspresi boolean. TRUE atau FALSE?

TRUE (*)

11. Apa yang dilakukan garis 7, 10, dan 13 dalam kode berikut?

1 import java.util.Scanner;
3 public class Add {
5 public static void main (String[] args) {
7 System.out.println ("A");
8 Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
9 int num1 = scan.nextInt();
10 System.out.println ("A");
11 int num2 = scan.nextInt();
12 int num3 = num1 + num2;
13 System.out.println(num3);
14 }
15 }

Cetak "A", "B" dan nilai num3 pada layar. (*)

12. Alat apa yang dapat digunakan untuk memetakan pernyataan eksekusi kondisional IF?

Diagram alur proses (*)

13. Di Alice, manakah dari berikut ini bukan struktur kontrol siap pakai?

lakukan while (*)

14. Di Alice, tab apa yang akan Anda pilih untuk memulai animasi baru dengan dunia yang sudah berpenghuni?

Pengantar (*)

15. Peristiwa Alice dianggap apa?

Keystroke atau klik mouse. (*)


  1. Numpang promo ya Admin^^
    mau dapat penghasil4n dengan cara lebih mudah....
    mari segera bergabung dengan kami.....
    di ajopk.club....^_~
    segera di add Whatshapp : +855969190856

  2. 1. Which of the following statements about methods is false?
    Classes must be defined directly within a method definition. (*)

    2. Which of the following is not an Alice variable value type?
    Function (*)

    3. When viewing the Java Code on the side in Alice, you can change the Java code directly instead of the Alice code. True or false?
    False (*)

    4. In Alice, what are the forms of a scenario?
    A problem to solve. (*)
    A task to perform. (*)

    5. In Alice, we can avoid object collision using what?
    Using math operators. (*)

    6. Identify an example of an Alice expression.
    12 + 15 = 27 (*)

    7. In Alice, which of the following programming statements moves the butterfly forward, double the distance to the tree?
    this.Butterfly move forward {this.Butterfly getDistanceTo this.Tree * 2} (*)

    8. A variable is a place in memory where data of a specific type can be stored for later retrieval and use by your program
    True (*)

    9. In Alice, there is no way of seeing the code as Java code. True or false?
    False (*)

    10. From your Alice lessons, when testing your animation, you should test that comments were added below each sequence of instructions in the code. True or false?
    False (*)

    11. In Alice, as part of the recording process you can demonstrate the events that are programmed within your animation. True or false?
    True (*)

    12. From your Alice lessons, animations should be tested by the programmer before they are considered complete. True or false?
    True (*)

    13. If you need to repeat a group of Java statements many times, which Java construct should you use?
    while loop (*)
    do while loop (*)

    14. You have a Class representing Cat. Each Cat can meow, purr, catch mice, and so on. When you create a new cat, what is it called?
    An instance (*)

    15. In Alice, we use the WHILE control statement to implement the conditional loop. True or false?
    True (*)

    16. A data type defines the type of procedures a variable can store. True or false?
    False (*)

    17. When you import a class from another file you have to import the entire class. True or false?
    False (*)

    18. In Alice, we can avoid object collision using what?
    Using math operators. (*)

    19. From your Alice lessons, functional decomposition is the process of taking a complex problem or process and growing it into larger parts that are easier to manage. True or false?
    False (*)

    20. Review the code below.
    Select the result from the following statements about what happens when the loopVal >= 5 .
    The condition loopVal < 5 is tested before executing anything further in the program. (*)


Final Exam Java Programming 2019 Learner - English

Final Exam