
Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Answer Section 5 Quiz Database Programming with PL/SQL 2019 Learner - English

Section 5

Which of the following cursor attributes is set to the total number of rows returned so far?  



                %ROWCOUNT (*)

Which of the following statements about the %ISOPEN cursor attribute is true? 
                You can issue the %ISOPEN cursor attribute only when a cursor is open.

                You can issue the %ISOPEN cursor attribute when a cursor is open or closed. (*)

                If a cursor is open, then the value of %ISOPEN is false.

                You can issue the %ISOPEN cursor attribute only when more than one record is returned.

You want to use explicit cursors to fetch and display all the countries in a specific region. There are 19 rows in the WF_WORLD_REGIONS table. You want to use a different region each time the cursor is opened. How many cursors should you declare?              

                20 cursors, in case an extra row is inserted into WF_WORLD_REGIONS later.

                None of the these.

                19 cursors, all in the same PL/SQL block.

                One cursor with a parameter in the WHERE clause. (*)

                19 cursors in 19 PL/SQL blocks (one in each block).

What is missing from the following cursor declaration?
  CURSOR emp_curs
SELECT * FROM departments
  WHERE location_id = p_loc_id;
                Nothing is wrong; the cursor declaration is correct.

                The declaration is invalid. You cannot reference a cursor parameter in a WHERE clause.

                A parameter is missing. The parameter should be coded as: (p_loc_id NUMBER) (*)

                A parameter is missing. The parameter should be coded as: (p_loc_id IN NUMBER)


You want to display each row from the DEPARTMENTS table, and immediately underneath it, a list of all EMPLOYEES in that department. Which of the following is a good way to do this?   
                Change the physical model so that all employee and department data is in a single table.

                Use two cursors, one for each of the two tables. Declare the EMPLOYEES cursor with a parameter for the DEPARTMENT_ID. (*)

                Use a single cursor, declared as SELECT * FROM employees GROUP BY department_id;

                Use a single cursor with a cursor FOR loop.

                Write a SELECT statement which JOINs the two tables, and use CONNECT BY PRIOR and LEVEL to display the rows in the correct order.


Which of the following is a good reason to use two cursors in a single PL/SQL block?  
                To speed up the execution of the PL/SQL block.

                It is the only way to declare a cursor with a parameter.

                To allow rows to be locked as they are FETCHed.

                To allow one cursor to be opened twice at the same time.

                When two tables are related to each other (often by a foreign key) and we want to produce a multilevel report using data from both tables. (*)

Which one of the following statements is NOT true?   
                An explicit cursor can select from only one table. No joins are allowed. (*)

                You can use ORDER BY when declaring an explicit cursor.

                An explicit cursor must be DECLAREd before it can be OPENed.

                You can not use an INTO clause when declaring an explicit cursor.

What is wrong with the following code?
  CURSOR dept_curs IS SELECT department_name FROM departments;
  v_dept_name departments.department_name%TYPE;
  OPEN dept_curs;
   FETCH dept_curs INTO v_dept_name;
   EXIT WHEN dept_curs%NOTFOUND;
   CLOSE dept_curs;

                Nothing is wrong; all the rows will be FETCHed and displayed.

                The loop should be a WHILE loop, not a basic loop.

                The OPEN statement should be inside the loop.

                The CLOSE statement should be coded after END LOOP; (*)

                The EXIT WHEN ... statement should be coded outside the loop.

Which of these statements about implicit cursors is NOT true?   
                They are declared automatically by Oracle for all DML statements.

                They are declared by the PL/SQL programmer. (*)

                They are opened and closed automatically by Oracle.

                They are declared automatically by Oracle for single-row SELECT statements.

Which of these is NOT a valid cursor declaration?             
                CURSOR emp_curs IS
    SELECT salary
    FROM employees
    ORDER BY salary DESC;

                CURSOR emp_curs IS
    SELECT salary
    FROM employees
    WHERE last_name LIKE 'S%';

                CURSOR emp_curs IS
    SELECT salary INTO v_salary
    FROM employees;

                CURSOR emp_dept_curs IS
    SELECT e.salary, d.department_name
    FROM employees e, departments d
    WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id;

Which of the following is a benefit of using a cursor FOR loop?   
                Because there is less code, the loop executes faster.

                You can OPEN the same cursor twice at the same time.

                The exception handling is done automatically. .

                The OPEN, CLOSE, FETCH and EXIT from the loop are done automatically. (*)

                %ROWCOUNT increments automatically each time a row is FETCHed.

When using a cursor FOR loop, OPEN, CLOSE, and FETCH statements should not be explicitly coded. True or False?   
                True (*)


What is the difference between the following two blocks of code?
--Block A
    CURSOR emp_cursor IS
    SELECT employee_id, last_name
    FROM employees
    WHERE department_id = 80
    FOR UPDATE OF salary;

--Block B
    CURSOR emp_cursor IS
    SELECT employee_id, last_name
    FROM employees
    WHERE department_id = 80
    FOR UPDATE OF salary
                There is no difference; the programs behave exactly the same way.

                In Block A, the program waits indefinitely until locked rows are available. In Block B, control is returned to your program after 5 seconds so that it can do other work.

                In Block A, the program waits indefinitely until locked rows are available. In Block B, the program returns control immediately so that it can do other work. (*)

Examine the following code:
  c_rec c%ROWTYPE;
  OPEN c;
  FOR i IN 1..20 LOOP
    FETCH c INTO c_rec;
     IF i = 6 THEN
     UPDATE employees SET first_name = 'Joe'
    END IF;
  CLOSE c;

Which employee row or rows will be updated when this block is executed?

                The block will not compile because the cursor should have been declared .... FOR UPDATE WAIT 5;

                The 6th fetched row will be updated. (*)

                None of these.

                No rows will be updated because you locked the rows when the cursor was opened.

                The first 6 fetched rows will be updated.

User MARY has locked a row of the EMPLOYEES table. Now, user SAEED tries to open the following cursor:
  SELECT * FROM employees

What will happen when SAEED's session tries to fetch the row that MARY has locked?

                SAEED's session waits for 5 seconds, then SAEED is disconnected from the database.

                SAEED's session waits for 5 seconds, then MARY's session is rolled back.

                SAEED's session successfully fetches the first 5 rows and then waits indefinitely to fetch the 6th row.

                SAEED's session waits for 5 seconds, and then raises an exception if MARY has not unlocked the row. (*)

                SAEED's session waits for 5 minutes, and then raises an exception if MARY has not unlocked the row.

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Final Exam Java Programming 2019 Learner - English

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