
Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Semester 2 Final Exam

Semester 2 Final Exam

A row trigger has been created which is fired by UPDATE ON employees. A user now executes a single SQL statement which updates four rows of the EMPLOYEES table. How many times will the row trigger fire?
                One time

                Two times

Semester 2 Midterm Exam

Semester 2 Midterm Exam

How would you invoke the constant km_to_mile from the global_consts bodiless package at VARIABLE A?
SELECT trail_name, distance_in_km * VARIABLE A
FROM trails
WHERE park_name = 'YOSEMITE';

                global_consts (km_to_mile)


                km_to_mile (global_consts)

Monday, August 26, 2019

Answer Section 15 Quiz Database Programming with PL/SQL 2019 Learner - English

Section 15

The two statements below are equivalent. True or False?

    SET PLSQL_WARNINGS = 'ENABLE:INFORMATIONAL';                                                                
                True (*)


Answer Section 14 Quiz Database Programming with PL/SQL 2019 Learner - English

Section 14

A change in a remote referenced subprogram is automatically recorded as invalid if its base object changes and that new status is relayed to the dependent object's status and automatically marked as invalid. True or False?    

Answer Section 13 Quiz Database Programming with PL/SQL 2019 Learner - English

Section 13

There are 3 employees in department 90 and 5 employees in department 50. The following trigger has been created:
CREATE TRIGGER upd_emp_trigg

Answer Section 12 Quiz Database Programming with PL/SQL 2019 Learner - English

Section 12

The following procedure adds a column of datatype DATE to the EMPLOYEES table. The name of the new column is passed to the procedure as a parameter.
    (p_col_name IN VARCHAR2) IS
    v_first_string VARCHAR2(100) := 'ALTER TABLE EMPLOYEES ADD (';
    v_second_string VARCHAR2(6) := ' DATE)';
    ... Line A

Answer Section 11 Quiz Database Programming with PL/SQL 2019 Learner - English

Section 11

The DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT procedure places text in a buffer but does not display the contents of the buffer. True or False?  
                True (*)



Answer Section 10 Quiz Database Programming with PL/SQL 2019 Learner - English

Section 10

Which two of these declarations cannot be in the same package specification?

Semester 1 Final Exam

Semester 1 Final Exam

Consider the following code:
 TYPE dept_info_type IS RECORD
  (department_id departments.department_id%TYPE,
  department_name departments.department_name%TYPE);
 TYPE emp_dept_type IS RECORD

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Answer Section 9 Quiz Database Programming with PL/SQL 2019 Learner - English

Section 9

Which of the following is found in a function and not a procedure?  
                Return statement in the header (*)

                An exception section

Answer Section 8 Quiz Database Programming with PL/SQL 2019 Learner - English

Section 8

When creating a procedure, where in the code must the parameters be listed? 

                After the keyword IS or AS


Answer Section 7 Quiz Database Programming with PL/SQL 2019 Learner - English

Section 7

While a PL/SQL block is executing, more than one exception can occur at the same time. True or False? 

Monday, August 19, 2019

Answer Section 6 Quiz Database Programming with PL/SQL 2019 Learner - English

Section 6

Which of the following successfully declares an INDEX BY table of records which could be used to store copies of complete rows from the departments table? 
    TYPE t_depttab IS INDEX BY TABLE OF departments%ROWTYPE


Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Answer Section 5 Quiz Database Programming with PL/SQL 2019 Learner - English

Section 5

Which of the following cursor attributes is set to the total number of rows returned so far?  


Monday, August 12, 2019

Semester 1 Midterm Exam

Semester 1 Midterm Exam

Which of the following can be done using PL/SQL?
                Manage database security

                All of these can be done (*)

                Develop Web applications using the Web Application Toolkit

Answer Section 4 Quiz Database Programming with PL/SQL 2019 Learner - English

Section 4

Examine the following code::
   v_count NUMBER := 0;
   v_string VARCHAR2(20);
     v_string := v_string || 'x';
     IF LENGTH(v_string) > 10 THEN

Answer Section 3 Quiz Database Programming with PL/SQL 2019 Learner - English

Section 3

Which SQL statements can be used directly in a PL/SQL block? (Choose two.)

                SELECT * INTO ... (*)

                ALTER TABLE employees ...

                REVOKE SELECT ON ...

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Answer Section 2 Quiz Database Programming with PL/SQL 2019 Learner - English

Section 2

Code is easier to read if you declare one identifier per line. True or False? 
                True (*)


Answer Section 1 Quiz Database Programming with PL/SQL 2019 Learner - English

Section 1

Which sections of a PL/SQL block are optional?  
                Exception only

Database Programming with SQL Final Exam

Database Programming with SQL Final Exam

Evaluate this statement:
DELETE FROM customer;

Which statement is true?
                The statement deletes all the rows from the CUSTOMER table. (*)

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Database Programming with SQL Midterm Exam

Database Programming with SQL Midterm Exam

Which SQL statement will return an error? 
                SELECT star FROM sky;


Friday, August 9, 2019

Answer Sections 18 Quiz Database Programming with SQL 2019 Learner - English

Section 18

If UserB has privileges to see the data in a table, as soon as UserA has entered data into that table, UserB can see that data. True or False? 

Answer Sections 17 Quiz Database Programming with SQL 2019 Learner - English

Section 17

Regular expressions are a method of describing both simple and complex patterns for searching and manipulating. True or False? 
                True (*)

Answer Sections 16 Quiz Database Programming with SQL 2019 Learner - English

Section 16

Which of the following best describes the function of the CURRVAL virtual column?   
                The CURRVAL virtual column will display either the physical locations or the logical locations of the rows in the table.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Answer Sections 15 Quiz Database Programming with SQL 2019 Learner - English

Section 15

You need to create a view on the SALES table, but the SALES table has not yet been created. Which statement is true?    
                You must create the SALES table before creating the view.

                You can create the table and the view at the same time using the FORCE option.

Answer Sections 14 Quiz Database Programming with SQL 2019 Learner - English

Section 14 

Foreign Key Constraints are also known as:         
                Parental Key Constraints

Answer Sections 13 Quiz Database Programming with SQL 2019 Learner - English

Section 13

Evaluate this statement:
Which statement about this TRUNCATE TABLE statement is true?            
                You can produce the same results by issuing the 'DROP TABLE employee' statement.

Answer Sections 12 Quiz Database Programming with SQL 2019 Learner - English

Section 12

You need to copy rows from the EMPLOYEE table to the EMPLOYEE_HIST table. What could you use in the INSERT statement to accomplish this task?     
                An ON clause

Answer Sections 10 Quiz Database Programming with SQL 2019 Learner - English

Section 10

The EMPLOYEES and ORDERS tables contain these columns:

Answer Sections 9 Quiz Database Programming with SQL 2019 Learner - English

Section 9

The PRODUCTS table contains these columns:

Answer Sections 8 Quiz Database Programming with SQL 2019 Learner - English

Section 8

                What would the following SQL statement return?
FROM employees;                                                                         

Answer Sections 7 Quiz Database Programming with SQL 2019 Learner - English

Section 7

The ID column in the CLIENT table that corresponds to the CLIENT_ID column of the ORDER table contains null values for rows that need to be displayed. Which type of join should you use to display the data?                                     

                Self join

Answer Sections 6 Quiz Database Programming with SQL 2019 Learner - English

Section 6

Which keyword in a SELECT statement creates an equijoin by specifying a column name common to both tables?                                                   
                A HAVING clause

                The FROM clause


Answer Sections 5 Quiz Database Programming with SQL 2019 Learner - English

Section 5

The STYLES table contains this data:
STYLE_ID              STYLE_NAME     CATEGORY          COST
895840                     SANDAL               85940                     12.00
968950                     SANDAL               85909                     10.00
869506                     SANDAL               89690                     15.00

Answer Sections 4 Quiz Database Programming with SQL 2019 Learner - English

Section 4

Which comparison operator retrieves a list of values?  
                IS NULL

                IN (*)

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Answer Sections 3 Quiz Database Programming with SQL 2019 Learner - English

Section 3 Quiz

Which of the following is earliest in the rules of precedence?  
                Arithmetic operator (*)

                Concatenation operator

Answer Sections 2 Quiz Database Programming with SQL 2019 Learner - English

Section 2 

You need to display all the rows in the EMPLOYEES table that contain a null value in the DEPARTMENT_ID column. Which comparison operator should you use?      
                "= NULL"


Answer Sections 1 Quiz Database Programming with SQL 2019 Learner - English

Sections 1

The _______ clause can be added to a SELECT statement to return a subset of the data.                                                                   

                WHERE (*)

Database Design Final Exam

Database Design Final Exam

Examine the following entity and decide which attribute breaks the 2nd Normal Form rule:

Database Design Midterm Exam

Database Design Midterm Exam

Databases are used in most countries and by most governments. Life, as we know it, would change drastically if we no longer had access to databases. True or False?  
                True (*)

Application Development Foundations Final Exam

Application Development Foundations Final Exam

Which of the following actions can be carried out in Application Builder using a button page item?                                                           
                Do nothing. (*)


Application Development Foundations Midterm Exam

Application Development Foundations Midterm Exam

The Oracle Application Express development environment consists of which of the following components?
                Packaged Apps. (*)

                App Builder. (*)

                SQL Workshop. (*)

Answer Section 9 Quiz Database Design 2019 Learner - English

Section 9

A barrred Relationship will result in a Foreign Key column that also is part of: 
                The Primary Key (*)

                The Check Constraint

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Answer Section 4 Quiz Database Design 2019 Learner - English

Section 4

A Supertype can have only one subtype. True or False? 

Answer Section 8 Quiz Database Design 2019 Learner - English

Section 8

When modeling historical data the unique identifier is always made up of a barred relationship from the original two entities. True or False? 

                False (*)


Answer Section 7 Quiz Database Design 2019 Learner - English

Section 7
Arcs model an Exclusive OR constraint. True or False?  
                True (*)


Answer Section 6 Quiz Database Design 2019 Learner - English

Section 6

Examine the following entity and decide how to make it conform to the rule of 2nd Normal Form:

Answer Section 5 Quiz Database Design 2019 Learner - English

Section 5

When you resolve a M:M by creating an intersection entity, this new entity will always inherit:
                The UID's from the entities in the original M:M.

                The attributes of both related entities.


Monday, August 5, 2019

Answer Section 3 Quiz Database Design 2019 Learner - English

Section 3

Which of the following are true about Relationship Optionality? (Choose two) 
                Optionality answers "may or must". (*)

Answer Section 2 Quiz Database Design 2019 Learner - English

Section 2

All of the following could be attributes of an ENTITY called PERSON, except which one?                            


Answer Section 1 Quiz Database Design 2019 Learner - English

Section 1

The work of E.F. Codd in the early 1970s led to the development of Relational databases. True or False?  
                True (*)


Aswer Section 6 Quiz Application Development Foundations 2019 Learner - English

Section 6

When exporting an APEX application which of the following are not captured?
                Application definition.

                Underlying database objects. (*)

                Data associated with the application. (*)

                All of the above.

Answer Section 5 Quiz Application Development Foundations 2019 Learner - English

Section 5

The Universal Theme is a user interface for Application Express that enables developers to build modern web applications without requiring extensive knowledge of HTML, CSS, or JavaScript?                                                                                                                         
                True (*)


Sunday, August 4, 2019

Answer Section 4 Quiz Application Development Foundations 2019 Learner - English

Section 4

When you submit a page, the Application Express engine is running which of the following?
            Find Page.

            Submit Page.

            Show Page.

            Accept Page. (*)

Answer Section 3 Quiz Application Development Foundations 2019 Learner - English

Section 3

1. By default, an Interactive Grid includes which of the following components?

Search bar (*)

Sort bar

Actions menu (*)

Column Heading menu (*)

Answer Sections 1 and 2 Quiz Application Development Foundations 2019 Learner - English

Section 1

1.  In Application Express User roles are best described as which of the following?

A logical work area which is associated with one or more Oracle database schemas.

An HTML interface that exists on top of database objects such as tables or procedures.

Divided in to four primary roles. (*)

None of the above.

Final Exam Java Programming 2019 Learner - English

Final Exam